Email Configuration

How to configure your email program with BendTel Mail Server Settings.

Email Settings

You must have a valid email account hosted with BendTel in order to send email using BendTel’s email services. BendTel supports both IMAP and POP, and supports STARTTLS on both. You must configure your email client to send your username and password when sending email (SMTP authorization). For your Outbound (SMTP) server settings, configure your email program to use port 587; you may need to change it from a default of port 25.

Your server settings should be as follows:

  • outbound SMTP server port 587
  • inbound POP3 or IMAP server

If your email and web hosting is provided with our cPanel hosting, your server settings should be as follows:

  • outbound SMTP server port 587
  • inbound POP3 or IMAP server

We highly recommend enabling STARTTLS (sometimes just called TLS or SSL) for inbound and outbound server connections.

Instructions for configuring specific email programs are below: